Congress has passed a funding bill that will move to the Senate for consideration. Included in it is a reduction from the House Agriculture jurisdictions of $230 billion dollars between now and 2034. It is thought that most of these cuts would come from SNAP (formerly EBT. This would be a cut of about 20% from the program.
It is thought that in order to meet this goal, they will need to further restrict access by tightening eligibility such a work requirements. It is also likely they will reduce funding to the states and leave it up to them to determine how to enact the cuts.
It is time to remind your Senate leaders that you are not in favor of reducing SNAP benefits from the budget. Please write and call your representatives.
It is also time to start thinking about how are we at the local level will help ease the burden of these cuts at the local level. Please send your ideas to the church office to be forwarded on to the Social Justice Committee.