The United Church of Christ and Church World Service have worked together for over 50 years. The link tells us, "When disaster strikes, Church World Service is the primary agency through which the UCC supports relief and recovery efforts." Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson serves on the CWS Board and Executive Committee. 

The Council of Conference Ministers received this message today: 

Last week, CWS was informed by the U.S. Department of State to halt federally funded activities supporting refugees in Egypt, Indonesia and 4,200 refugees in the U.S., effective immediately.

This puts our program participants—families escaping war, trafficking victims, unaccompanied children, and vulnerable communities—at risk of hunger and homelessness.

The abrupt halt of the refugee resettlement program is heartbreaking, leaving families separated and dreams of reaching safety shattered. Now more than ever, we need you to lift your prayers to support refugee families and to donate so we can continue supporting our global neighbors who rely on our services to rebuild their lives.

Join us in partnership with faith communities across the United States as we stand for compassion and welcome for all our neighbors around the world. We will gather for a time of prayer, scripture reading, and hearing more about how you can take action to support refugee communities near and far.

A kind and loving response can make all the difference when difficult times happen. That’s why CWS was founded—to give a kind, loving, and tangible response to all people facing a difficult time, reminding them that they are not alone.

Let’s stand together to ensure our neighbors, both here and abroad, know they are not alone.

A virtual prayer gathering will be held this Friday, February 7, at 10:00 A.M. Pacific.